Landlords and unions.
Sometimes I like to take the long path, sometimes I like to take the short path. Most times, I have no idea which path I…
Just a guy from Jackson.
Sometimes I like to take the long path, sometimes I like to take the short path. Most times, I have no idea which path I…
Ninety degrees, almost. And it’s not dry. I can’t say I enjoyed every day as much as I could have in the desert, the biome…
It all comes together. Somehow, most days- no, all days, it all comes together. If some part didn’t come together, well it wasn’t meant to…
A lost decade, one of my own, just now. When I think about old age, I think to myself “you know, thirty or forty years…
Not every day goes well, I know that and it’s not necessary. Of course I prefer the good days, the nice casual flowing days where…
Two point seven miles per hour. Only a mile and a quarter overall distance and there was a break in the minute that I paused…
Made the call and AT&T support wasn’t too bad, once I got the right department on the phone. Account and port numbers in hand, I…
Six am, no. Seven am, too early. Eight thirty? That could work. I usually I grab my phone and start the day as soon as…
I need to get some better pictures. I told myself a few days ago that I didn’t want to publish any more posts without a…
Awake early as usual- and more awake. Not right away, but I woke up more than I did yesterday. What does that mean? Well this…
1) Adventure every day; rest as needed.
2) Write every night about the journey.
3) Capture photographs and new stories.
Website Written Content is Copyrighted © 1978-2022 Jeromy Alexander
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