Woke up well rested.
Thought about starting homework early, didn’t seem to get around to it.
Shopped for new Android radio and multimedia player for my car, kept reviewing it on Amazon until it arrived.
Then I just needed to test fit it (really wasn’t sure if the ten inch screen would fit into the dash.)
Except it fit perfect. So really, I wanted to see it powered up, and hear it.
Then the empty cavern of the dash, the amp deep inside now long since gone.
The tool bag out, sitting on the passenger side floorboard, I felt like I was back in the desert, just working away on the the car.
Extraneous amp wires removed and fully bypassed, I began to identify the wire colors; a trip to Best Buy, just to see if they would have a pre-built harness to speed up the job. Nope.
Back home, back on the floorboard. More than a few breaks.
Oh- before that, just past noon I went for a timed mile walk, new PR: 18:43.
The last bowl break I said I should stop the car and start my homework.
Smoked another bowl, and went back to the car. Finished it.
Oh, it’s a tight fit, yet the screen look so good on the dash- it fills it up. Yes, will have to reach ‘over’ it a bit to reach the fan and heat controls, and if I’m not careful, I could bump my knuckles reaching for the shifter, until I get used to it.
Oh, it looks so nice.
Supports Apple CarPlay and also has its own build in navigation app and gps module- this will work when the Internet (and phone service,) stop. And, although I did not get to it today, it even comes with a backup camera. That, will be very helpful. I really like the solar panel over the rear window for the privacy it affords, yet going in reverse isn’t as safe (hence, I am very slow and careful currently,) only being able to use the side mirrors.
Even supports… okay, I’ll stop there. Since technically, it’s an Android- it’s just like a smartphone without cellservice. It’s got Chrome and Gmail apps preinstalled, wifi and bluetooth (and wired usb too,) to connect to my phone and it can even act as a hotspot to share whatever Internet connection it finds. It supports, well everything you would think a car radio could or should do.
Well, basically what all the new car dashboards do out of the factory, yet now retrofitted to my 2000 GT. And, all this spice (that I’ll be able to enjoy often with my now five trips per week back and forth from the college,) for only $79.99.
Wait, I thought I was summarizing?
By eight o’clock, the radio was done (now, I just need a week in the desert to play with and learn all of it’s features,)(and, I still need to install the rear backup camera… and order the optional front recording camera too maybe… only another $20,) and I thought, you know what, I really should start my homework.
Sunday night.. time to push the homework. First the fitness report for the week, 20230919_HPF-161_week_3, then a nice art assignment for Humanities, 20230917_HUM_module-2-art-assignment, followed with another lab for Psychology, 20230917_PSY_sleep-lab, finally I needed to login to the courseware and make a forum post about our cultural sleep values. I was mentally checking out by then, so I told some great story about sleep over the last two decades of my life and posted that.
Reading other forum posts, I saw everyone else said much less and posted a link. I reread the assignment: oh, google your cultures sleep values, quote a source, then write about that. Sorry, I’m 45. On the topic of sleep I am a self-citing source. I expect the professor will give me full points, regardless of the missing link. (Yet really, I should have read better, posted slower, and done it right, I take the loss if this costs me points.)
Then, a bowl and I relaxed. Walking has been better again today (as the PR shows,) yet, the pink cloud from yesterday is gone already, it still hurts. Here, there, you know, it’s old macdonalds farm around here.
In summary, a good day- I felt good. I wanted to walk my mile early, and I PR’d it. I wanted to get up and go work on the car- and had fun doing it (other than the bodily position required to reach both hands into a narrow opening.) And, once I got around to the homework, it was only an hour or so, ninety minutes at the most.
Starting to think I need to make a “get ready for winter list” to get me through the next month or two- working outside was so nice today, yet that will not be lasting much longer and with college now, time will be going fast, fall will come, snow will follow.
Oh- check that art. Yep, that is me doing college work.
When my youngest was in fourth grade, he got marked down on a flawless book report, because he did not include a portion in crayon. I complained. Teacher said he didn’t follow directions. I said “Crayons on a book report” as I pointed to his paragraph structure. She just looked at me pointed to the grading matrix. (Not kidding.)
Now, in my year 13 (with a 28 year gap,) I needed to sketch a marble statue. So, look at that, I sketched a marble statue, what do you think? It’s a bit rough, ink chiseled onto post-it note, a classic medium for a classic sculpture.
Time to rest.