Author: Jeromy

Just a guy from Jackson, with a goal to travel and write.

Hump day jumps

 Jeromy  August 12, 2009  0 Comments on Hump day jumps

Well, the jumps have picked back up over the last few weeks, and trying to balance that with work and the kids at home has…

Read the whole story.. Hump day jumps

Monday jumps at Skydive Tecumseh

 Jeromy  August 10, 2009  0 Comments on Monday jumps at Skydive Tecumseh

After a long weekend home with my boys at home, it was real nice get out to the dropzone on Monday for a few jumps….

Read the whole story.. Monday jumps at Skydive Tecumseh

Hump day jumps

 Jeromy  August 8, 2009  0 Comments on Hump day jumps

Well, this should tell you how busy this week has been for me, I finally blogged last weekends jumps on Thursday and Wednesdays jumps today!…

Read the whole story.. Hump day jumps

Two new dropzones & a skydive tattoo – what a weekend!

 Jeromy  August 3, 2009  0 Comments on Two new dropzones & a skydive tattoo – what a weekend!

How do you know you had a good weekend? When the Monday after it really, really sucks! Also, when it takes until Thursday to blog…

Read the whole story.. Two new dropzones & a skydive tattoo – what a weekend!

Jumps in July

 Jeromy  July 31, 2009  0 Comments on Jumps in July

Well, July 2009 has come to an end, but what a great month it was – in more ways then one! The month started with…

Read the whole story.. Jumps in July

The hump day jumps

 Jeromy  July 30, 2009  0 Comments on The hump day jumps

After only getting one jump last weekend I was really hoping the weather yesterday would cooperate. Luckily by early afternoon the overcast clouds that had hung…

Read the whole story.. The hump day jumps

Quality, not quantity – Jump #264 – Two way, 29 points!

 Jeromy  July 26, 2009  0 Comments on Quality, not quantity – Jump #264 – Two way, 29 points!

Most anyone that knows me could tell you that one jump in a weekend is not enough to pacify me. However this weekend, a single…

Read the whole story.. Quality, not quantity – Jump #264 – Two way, 29 points!

The long road to an A license..

 Jeromy  July 25, 2009  0 Comments on The long road to an A license..

Honestly, I’d been a while since I’d read through my old notes I used to keep, quite awhile since I’d closed my eyes and thought…

Read the whole story.. The long road to an A license..

Beer rules..

 Jeromy  July 23, 2009  0 Comments on Beer rules..

Three years into the sport and there are lot of things I’ve figured out about the sport; and a lot i’m still working on. I…

Read the whole story.. Beer rules..

Labor Day Hellfish Boogie @ SDT

 Jeromy  July 22, 2009  0 Comments on Labor Day Hellfish Boogie @ SDT

Well, it’s still over a month away, but I thought I’d mention it now, lest anyone needs to start working it into their schedules now……

Read the whole story.. Labor Day Hellfish Boogie @ SDT