Well, the conversation did continue on Facebook, however as I went to add another a comment and attachment, it appears that my account has been reported for abuse and I’m unable to post. Well enough, as with Twitter too the only security of free speech is own your own hosted platform, or that of someone whom’s censorship you trust. In Twitter, it’s new King, in Facebook any mob can censor.
I will embed that thread from Facebook and below that links to the other parts of this conversation as it’s moved around. Remember, the whole story only comes if you read it all. As for whatever reason I can no longer comment on my own page (if I can even share this one) do not expect more messages there.
You can reach me by phone at 517-769-4745, email at jalexander@mijackson.org for official business or jeromya@gmail.com otherwise.
If you want to change your words dont use email/
2 thoughts on “A Facebook from Corey Kennedy.. and reported?”