Author: Jeromy

Just a guy from Jackson, with a goal to travel and write.


 Jeromy  January 4, 2023  1 Comment on Baggage

I’m definitely getting used to this.  It was a bit cold this morning at five thirty am, enough to wake me up.  I knew it…

Read the whole story.. Baggage

Tent space

 Jeromy  January 3, 2023  0 Comments on Tent space

I purchased a small tent. I didn’t want room to put stuff in it, as I don’t want to be in it much. Today, I…

Read the whole story.. Tent space

The take off list.

 Jeromy  January 2, 2023  0 Comments on The take off list.

I’ve always wanted to go somewhere, for anything.  I get bored easily I guess or maybe I just like to go and see new things….

Read the whole story.. The take off list.

A day of rest.

 Jeromy  January 1, 2023  0 Comments on A day of rest.

I woke up warm. Just a little bit of planning was all it took. Well, and the extra time to change into the night time…

Read the whole story.. A day of rest.

A cold start

 Jeromy  December 31, 2022  0 Comments on A cold start

I did not get out of bed quickly, I stayed in place protecting the small amount of heat I had been able to generate in…

Read the whole story.. A cold start

Texas roads

 Jeromy  December 30, 2022  1 Comment on Texas roads

Not a long day; and actually, it went by quick. I didn’t do as much today as I thought I might, or should.. or could…

Read the whole story.. Texas roads

Setting up camp.

 Jeromy  December 29, 2022  0 Comments on Setting up camp.

I want to say “what a long day” yet it seems like I’ve said that already! I was able to set up the tent in…

Read the whole story.. Setting up camp.

I have arrived!

 Jeromy  December 28, 2022  0 Comments on I have arrived!

What a long day. Even as I begin, I already want to lay down and rest. And I haven’t even found my air mattress yet,…

Read the whole story.. I have arrived!

Not how I planned.

 Jeromy  December 28, 2022  0 Comments on Not how I planned.

Another early start I said.  Well.. I disagreed this morning I guess, as I sat in bed and relaxed an extra hour before heading to…

Read the whole story.. Not how I planned.

Four states, four days.

 Jeromy  December 27, 2022  0 Comments on Four states, four days.

Four days of driving and just past half way there I would say.  The progress was slow the first day or two in the midst…

Read the whole story.. Four states, four days.