Hard to follow
“Mr. Dancy” ……. “Eeeeaaaassssttttt SSSSiiiiiddddddeee!” “Mr. Alexander” …. “present”. I really love Freddy, I’m glad I ran into him a few weeks ago at the…
Just a guy from Jackson.
“Mr. Dancy” ……. “Eeeeaaaassssttttt SSSSiiiiiddddddeee!” “Mr. Alexander” …. “present”. I really love Freddy, I’m glad I ran into him a few weeks ago at the…
I admit, I added the last one and I never could before. I tried to write a book when I was young, maybe in eighth…
Jeromy, What is going on? Are you okay? I just saw this crazy post in USFunJumpers. I know we haven’t talked this year and I…
https://www.facebook.com/groups/usfunjumpers The modern colosseum That was fun, I ran another gauntlet, and choose to post https://jeromyalexander.com/2023/06/facebook-with-greg-windmiller/ to the large nationwide Facebook group of skydivers. Really,…
The report of my incident has not yet been shared with me. I have not yet reached out. At this moment I make this request…
Not today, sorry. Started back on the meds this morning, Duloxetine and Vyvance, others too, but these two are what I call my crazy pills….
I know the scene, from one of my favorite movies. Andy Dufresne telling the warden about receipts and paycheck stubs. Twenty years into his captivity,…
TL;DR, you can scroll to the bottom for my summary of Shag’s Confession or read my work, line by line. Context is important and I…
1) Adventure every day; rest as needed.
2) Write every night about the journey.
3) Capture photographs and new stories.
Website Written Content is Copyrighted © 1978-2022 Jeromy Alexander
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