Author: Jeromy

Just a guy from Jackson, with a goal to travel and write.

Hard to follow

 Jeromy  July 3, 2023  0 Comments on Hard to follow

“Mr. Dancy” ……. “Eeeeaaaassssttttt SSSSiiiiiddddddeee!” “Mr. Alexander” …. “present”. I really love Freddy, I’m glad I ran into him a few weeks ago at the…

Read the whole story.. Hard to follow

Fact, Faith, Feeling, Fiction

 Jeromy  July 2, 2023  7 Comments on Fact, Faith, Feeling, Fiction

I admit, I added the last one and I never could before. I tried to write a book when I was young, maybe in eighth…

Read the whole story.. Fact, Faith, Feeling, Fiction

Apology from an innocent person

 Jeromy  July 1, 2023  0 Comments on Apology from an innocent person

Jeromy, What is going on? Are you okay? I just saw this crazy post in USFunJumpers. I know we haven’t talked this year and I…

Read the whole story.. Apology from an innocent person

US Fun Jumpers

 Jeromy  July 1, 2023  4 Comments on US Fun Jumpers The modern colosseum That was fun, I ran another gauntlet, and choose to post to the large nationwide Facebook group of skydivers. Really,…

Read the whole story.. US Fun Jumpers

Facebook with a DZO

 Jeromy  June 30, 2023  1 Comment on Facebook with a DZO

Facebook with Greg Windmiller Open letter to the USPA

Read the whole story.. Facebook with a DZO

Facebook with Greg Windmiller

 Jeromy  June 30, 2023  3 Comments on Facebook with Greg Windmiller

Facebook with a DZO Open letter to the USPA

Read the whole story.. Facebook with Greg Windmiller

Open letter to the USPA

 Jeromy  June 30, 2023  1 Comment on Open letter to the USPA

The report of my incident has not yet been shared with me. I have not yet reached out. At this moment I make this request…

Read the whole story.. Open letter to the USPA


 Jeromy  June 29, 2023  0 Comments on blah

Not today, sorry. Started back on the meds this morning, Duloxetine and Vyvance, others too, but these two are what I call my crazy pills….

Read the whole story.. blah

They will have receipts

 Jeromy  June 29, 2023  2 Comments on They will have receipts

I know the scene, from one of my favorite movies. Andy Dufresne telling the warden about receipts and paycheck stubs. Twenty years into his captivity,…

Read the whole story.. They will have receipts

Dissection of a confession.

 Jeromy  June 29, 2023  4 Comments on Dissection of a confession.

TL;DR, you can scroll to the bottom for my summary of Shag’s Confession or read my work, line by line. Context is important and I…

Read the whole story.. Dissection of a confession.