Brain damage.


1. No evidence of acute infarct, acute hemorrhage, mass effect or midline shift.
2. Focal encephalomalacia with gliosis right frontal parietal junction likely sequela of remote ischemia or contusion.

Radiologist/Resident/RPA/USP: Mohammad Asad, M.D
I have personally reviewed the images, finalized the report and E-signed: Mohammad Asad, M.D at 7/17/2023 7:13 AM


ORDER DATE: 7/16/2023 10:35 AM PROCEDURE: MRI BRAIN WO CONTRAST REASON FOR EXAM: Other Comments; ADDITIONAL HISTORY: Patient states skydiving injury 1/2022 entire left side was paralyzed, lt sided weakness, trouble walking, bilateral leg weakness. No Ca hx. – MRI BRAIN Technique: T1-weighted sagittal and coronal. FLAIR, T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted axial. Axial gradient echo susceptibility. Comparison: No previous relevant studies available for correlation. FINDINGS: There is no evidence of intracranial mass lesion, mass effect or acute edema. There is no evidence of hemorrhage or extra-axial fluid collection. The ventricles are normal in size and configuration. The pituitary gland is normal in size. There is no evidence of significant white matter pathology. No acute or subacute infarct is seen on the diffusion imaging. Focal encephalomalacia with gliosis seen in the right frontoparietal junction likely sequela of remote infarct or contusion. No corresponding hemorrhage, restricted diffusion or mass effect is seen. No abnormality is seen in the orbits. The bony calvarium is unremarkable in appearance. There is no substantial sinusitis or mastoiditis.

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