Ninety minutes
A great experience. Yesterday’s test was also nice, the “open” MRI is certainly better then the enclosed version. However you’re still pancaked between two giant…
Just a guy from Jackson.
A great experience. Yesterday’s test was also nice, the “open” MRI is certainly better then the enclosed version. However you’re still pancaked between two giant…
Just when I was wondering how I hurt the right side, when I PLF’d to my left, I started Googleing and reading more today and…
First, a doctor’s impressions of my recent (yesterday morning,) MRI. Now, my attempt to read and interpret what they’re trying to tell me. -No evidence…
Impression 1. No evidence of acute infarct, acute hemorrhage, mass effect or midline shift. 2. Focal encephalomalacia with gliosis right frontal parietal junction likely sequela…
1) Adventure every day; rest as needed.
2) Write every night about the journey.
3) Capture photographs and new stories.
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