I was Angry when,
Someone took away my altimeter.
I am not done,
I said.
I am a mirror.
I duplicate and
I return, sometimes
I do not understand
Someone’s actions towards me.
I saw him the same moment
I saw the arrow, he missed.
I wanted to kill him.
I knew I’d go to hell.
I know what hell is.
I gave up my God.
I did not care as long as
I could take him with me.
I thought he stayed to watch me die.
I thought he would wipe my child’s cry.
Someone took my bones that day, else
I might be in hell today:
I wanted to kill him in that moment.
I am sorry for what
I did that day.
I am sorry for what
I thought that day.
I checked the spot.
I jumped.
I died.
I am alive.
I can make this situation better.
I was wrong. The man
I saw watching me that moment was as close to true SkyGod as
I know exists. He told me on Valentine’s day, the day
I came back to the mecca.
He chased me down to the parking lot and gave me my first hundred dollar bill.
His prayer that moment, was priceless and
I am still here.
I thanked him.
He said
I had a story to tell. How
I survived:
I had passed the final category,
I practice my PLF’s every weekend and
I believe the final stage of learning, is to teach.
I learned something that day and
I am not done.
I am an AFF
Time to go.
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