A bump in the charts

 Jeromy  August 18, 2023  0 Comments on A bump in the charts

I didn’t start as early as I should have, already 11:27; I did sit down to type an hour or two ago, yet… I was…

Read the whole story.. A bump in the charts

Typing for deadline.

 Jeromy  August 17, 2023  0 Comments on Typing for deadline.

Okay, it’s late again, 11:10 pm. I was asked the other night when I mentioned writing if I write every morning. Thinking of it now,…

Read the whole story.. Typing for deadline.

Four beers (and my public comment.)

 Jeromy  August 16, 2023  0 Comments on Four beers (and my public comment.)

I typed it once already, and then.. arg, now I’m typing it again. My official citizen comment (well, it’s on YouTube if you want to…

Read the whole story.. Four beers (and my public comment.)

Wreck and Oreo Shake

 Jeromy  August 14, 2023  0 Comments on Wreck and Oreo Shake

This day got right down to business. I was up late watching a great movie, Interstellar. Another Amazon Prime film that I watch via an…

Read the whole story.. Wreck and Oreo Shake

Lazy day.

 Jeromy  August 13, 2023  0 Comments on Lazy day.

How many naps is enough? Today, I’ve had three. I woke up early (after staying up late to finish my story last night,) shortly before…

Read the whole story.. Lazy day.

A new group

 Jeromy  August 13, 2023  1 Comment on A new group

I’ve been thinking about something I want. I tried to create my own group in my first campaign and it fizzled. However, true training tells…

Read the whole story.. A new group

I’ve been banned.

 Jeromy  August 12, 2023  0 Comments on I’ve been banned.

So much for the new group, “We the People of Jackson” which no longer wishes to include me, oh well, there are more groups. Today…

Read the whole story.. I’ve been banned.

I’ve been adjusted.

 Jeromy  August 11, 2023  1 Comment on I’ve been adjusted.

Well, that was eventful. Lots of Facebook today, and two threads I posted here and here. It’s already 11:50, I could barely sleep last night….

Read the whole story.. I’ve been adjusted.