To update you, I have found my original email, as I had been creating and then forwarding my email through my personal email account., pasted below is what I had requested. However, the credentials “jeromytemp3@gmail.com” and “********” are not valid on the NumberBarn website where I requested my number be parked. At this time I do not have access to that site or to my number, hence I cannot yet confirm that I do. If you used another set of credentials please let me know and the issue would be resolved.
From your first email you said “trying to port the number to AT&T”, I deduced you may have tried to port the number from Verizon to ATT, or that ATT was involved some way, however having gone there tonight, they still say the number is locked to Verizon and that they cannot attempt to port it without the account number and pin, which I do not have.
As far as port times are concerned, in reality most take an hour minutes or less (minus your wait time with Verizon to get the pin) and with information you already possess, if you follow these instructions. And you will also be able to verify the process live in action yourself, even if it does take ten days. No rush at this point at all (though it really should be just an hour or two.) Most important, while we wait, we can eat pizza, and not have to type emails.
The end result will be you parking (or placing, if not familiar with that parlance,) the number in the service provided by NumberBarn on my behalf using the this jeromya@gmail.com email account (for me) the same password for the NumberBarn account (or as necessary, with unicorn blood, then update me accordingly,) and paying for the NumberBarn service with the gift credit card number I have provided, it has a value of $55.55. The cost should be $7.00.
Then send me the credentials to access my account, that you created on my behalf, where I will login and change my password, and then verify to you that I have possession of my number. For your benefit, I did go to AT&T again tonight, and the number is still not available and according to them is still locked with Verizon.
Also, may you reset my County email password to “********”, send me the web oma link, and also the links to the live and archived YouTube feeds/channels/etc.
Finally, I had removed “Find my Phone” from the phone, in order to do the Factory reset which was said to have wiped and prepared it for sale to an untrusted party. I was unaware of the additional iCloud connection to it. I have now logged into that account and removed it. Please let me know at any time (and forever into the future) if you need my assistance in any way. You may have a delayed response, yet you will receive a response for County business at this contact information (gmail & 4745.)
May you now please follow precisely the instructions below:
Most importantly,
I would like to gift to you and to the staff that technologically enable the Commision to operate (answering 6th floor phones, operating meeting IT, etc.) the remaining balance of $48.55, if appropriate in my dual role as both a Commissioner and a citizen of Jackson County;
For an office lunch of a couple good pizzas, as a Christmas gift on behalf of every citizen in Jackson County for your efforts and achievements.
Whether they hear it better in the back row, see it better from every row, or watch it live or archived on YouTube or our own mijackson website, and hopefully prepare in advance online with BoardDocs, they thank you without knowing it when they presume the magic of the Internet;
You are the magic they don’t know yet in person. Please, think of something magical that you might enjoy, while I hope you do enjoy this lunch.
Please invite as many of your fellow coworkers as may be well fed by two or three pizzas; start on the ground floor and work your way up.
Those at the top are fed monthly on the County dime already.
Jeromy Alexander
text 517-769-4745
text temp 517-769-5920 (temp)
(please don’t try to touch my ATT account please, it is prepaid and weird.)
#——my original emailed request———-
Thank you for helping to transfer out this phone number, 517-769-4745.
So that this will be as easy as possible for you, I have provided below an email address & password, and a gift credit card number for you to use on my behalf at your convenience to accomplish this task.
Please go to this link: https://www.numberbarn.com/lnp?plan=1 enter the phone number above to transfer out and complete the form necessary with the County’s account number and Verizon transfer pin (which can be had by contacting Verizon at your convenience) and with my name, address, email, and credit card for the new account you’ll create on the Number Barn website.
If it requires any more details (security questions, passwords, etc) just make something up and take note of it and please forward along to me. Once you are complete, please notify me at jalexander@mijackson.org and I will re-secure the Number Barn and email accounts.
Jeromy Alexander
817 Cooper Street
Jackson, Michigan 49202
Email Address: jeromytemp3@gmail.com
Email Password: ******** [EDITED]
Payment info (Gift card)
**** **** **** 9055 [EDITED]
Expiration /, CCV Code: ***
Thank you.