Hard to follow
“Mr. Dancy” ……. “Eeeeaaaassssttttt SSSSiiiiiddddddeee!” “Mr. Alexander” …. “present”. I really love Freddy, I’m glad I ran into him a few weeks ago at the…
Just a guy from Jackson.
“Mr. Dancy” ……. “Eeeeaaaassssttttt SSSSiiiiiddddddeee!” “Mr. Alexander” …. “present”. I really love Freddy, I’m glad I ran into him a few weeks ago at the…
I admit, I added the last one and I never could before. I tried to write a book when I was young, maybe in eighth…
https://www.facebook.com/groups/usfunjumpers The modern colosseum That was fun, I ran another gauntlet, and choose to post https://jeromyalexander.com/2023/06/facebook-with-greg-windmiller/ to the large nationwide Facebook group of skydivers. Really,…
Not today, sorry. Started back on the meds this morning, Duloxetine and Vyvance, others too, but these two are what I call my crazy pills….
I know the scene, from one of my favorite movies. Andy Dufresne telling the warden about receipts and paycheck stubs. Twenty years into his captivity,…
The beast of our times! The court of public opinion delivered at light speed, always prepared to dish out instant judgment. I wouldn’t call it…
That is what the problem is. Because I can now and I won’t write it. I will not write it now. There is a problem…
I don’t remember anymore what I did or said. I don’t even know if the memory even formed. I know I next I ran up…
I keep saying that- yet, I don’t believe it. I want other people to believe it though… so, what am I really doing? Painting a…
Past, present, and future; in which view do you hope to be correct? Personally, I feel very confident reading back almost anything I’ve typed in…
1) Adventure every day; rest as needed.
2) Write every night about the journey.
3) Capture photographs and new stories.
Website Written Content is Copyrighted © 1978-2022 Jeromy Alexander
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