What a good day. I am glad I had time to write this morning as it is eleven forty eight now.
Lots of sorting and packing, cleaned out the car. Retuned the HF vertical. Sacrificed the mobile digipeater pi to build a Victron Venus server to host my BlueSolar Charger online. Last minute of course..
Having not planned for it, I was somewhat frustrated and so glad now I changed course, check this out: a realtime solar display.
The image at the top is the QTH Digipeater. Finished and ready, I also tried to clean up the wiring a bit (yes, that is the clean photo.) The thumbnail is the whole QTH station. The second radio is a Kenwood five ninety connected to the tablet below for FT8, currently monitoring forty and eighty meters with the vertical.
As I just confirmed my one hundredth QSO on ten meters, I decided to leave the vertical to hopefully finish my five band dx award while working my home station remotely, as everything is accessible to me on the road via VNC.
Tons of fustrating, deadline pushing, changing plans fun of a day, counting down to the best part for last. Visiting my friends at seven (and receiving a phone call at the same time, different story.). I was able to give several gifts and I hope they’ll be used, all the same, I was excited to give them.
So many stories that cannot be told in nine minutes. It’s eleven fifty seven now. Tomorrow is the big day, the last before my surgery. Penultimate. I like that word.
Time to rest.