Four days of driving and just past half way there I would say. The progress was slow the first day or two in the midst of the storm and yesterday speed up, yet I still had a rather late start. I planned to fix that today and hoped to get underway by nine am. Almost even made it, rolling out at nine oh nine.
First on my list today was a good local breakfast, so I asked the desk clerk for a recommendation. Dave at the Super Eight in Eureka, was happy to point me towards the Pacific Family Restaurant just a few miles away. A meat lovers omelet, nothing like one from BZB’s though. I was going to add sausage gravy over the top, yet they didn’t stock any. I asked what they served with their biscuits and gravy. Regular gravy, just like regular sausage gravy the waitress said, just with no sausage.
While there, I stuck up a conversation with the gentleman at the table next to me. A regular I had figured when the waitress called him by name, Brian. Not much past small talk, yet nice to pass the time waiting for my omelet. An apprenticed heavy equipment operator (twenty five years ago) he was now apparently at a senior point of his career, judging from his description of waiting for the “guys to get sh*t together” before he needed to show up for the day.
Then it was time to drive. The miles really went by again today and with the early start I made it to my fourth state of the trip, Oklahoma. So far, all states I’ve traveled before; tomorrow should be new though, Texas. And the weather is getting better, though there is still snow on the ground here- just a bit left, in the corners of parking lots and such. This place looks nice, just across the street from a large sport fishing lake, Fort Gibson Lake.
I’m hoping for another early start driving tomorrow and another good local breakfast, and looking forward to driving all day tomorrow in the fifties and the next day in the seventies. If all goes well, I should arrive at the Lake Corpus Christi State Park Campground on Wednesday- hopefully early enough to set up camp before my first night without a motel.
Ha- I just thought of that, only one more night after today with.. well, walls. So far it has been a Super Eight each night, today I found something different. I was hoping for something cozy and quaint. Something worthy of a good description in my post. So I picked the Sleeping Traveler Motel. From the picture, the place was perfect (and the cheapest I could find at sixty two dollars, plus tax.). Yet the moment I walked into the room, it looks like an Ikea showroom. Sharp, crisp, modern. Okay, it still has walls.
Time to rest.