To the extent that you’ve included me in your statement within the phrase “Every one of our City Council members echoed this sentiment”, and then stated that the statement my words supposedly echoed were “We fully support the governor’s decision to extend…”, I’d like to take a moment to clarify, as your representation of my comments and sentiment is completely false and misleading.
You described a busy day, hard at work for our City. Firstly, let me take a moment myself to thank you. Not just for today, but for all your days you spend working for Jackson. I may disagree with you on any number of issues; however, we all know you work hard on the projects and causes you support. And all this work for the city, in addition to your own actual job that supports your family and pays your bills.
As you may or may not be aware, the vast majority of people in our City are not able to do their work remotely via Zoom, as you are able and privileged to do. Many in our City do not have computers at home or access to the Internet. Many in our city work hard at their jobs, and depend on each next paycheck to buy groceries for the following week’s meals. Some of our people, here in our city, cannot work and feed their families right now. People in our city are having their lively hoods taken away, their businesses destroyed, their faiths shattered, and their mental and physical wellbeing challenged daily.
Our people are hurting and cannot provide for themselves; they need the help of their leaders, like you and me. And you’re also right; our chief executives are making some of tough decisions right now (except you, as you’re a ceremonial leader), and they deserve our all of our support – like our Governor and most especially our President Donald J. Trump, who has the hugest record on fighting the `Rona.
By God’s grace, we have so many angels among us doing so much great work – like you did today: each person, in their own way solving an aspect of this tragedy, as if all in some part of a perfect plan.
One of them that is also fighting for us is Julie Alexander.
One of the hardest parts of leadership is stepping into the breech – to do the job that need to be done even when you know you will be consumed of by the same process that accomplishes the purpose. As you mentioned, Julie risked her life – to protect the livelihood, the freedom, and the rights of our citizens here in Jackson, to be able to work and to feed their families – so that they can thrive and survive.
I spoke in my councilmember comments last night; our Creator gave us our rights, and no man or government may deny them, only we may freely lay them down for others. And we all get to choose how we do it, because, you know, free will. You described a day of hard work that you got paid for.
Julie chose to step into the breech as a leader; she risked herself to serve others: self-sacrifice.
Perhaps if our chief executives worked with their equally elected teams, a better solution would have been found? Perhaps if our chief executives, even the ceremonial ones, respected the public bodies of which they are the heads, we would have fewer issues, less division, more teamwork and better results?
Perhaps if we all supported one another – without ever tearing each other down?
Thank you for your work today Derek – and Julie, and Mike, Lee, Gretchen, Donald and everyone else!
Jeromy Alexander