A thirty minute expose into the reality of skydiving – watch this and see what can come next after your Tandem video if you sign up for AFF at Skydive Tecumseh!
One of my favorite parts of skydiving are the plentiful opportunities for videography – it’s a tool we use for training, debriefing, and even celebrating, while we learn from our performances in the air.
The 2018 was special to me, as I had been (for all intents and purposes) off from the sport for about five years. Hence, while my mind still knew, my muscles took a while to remember the grace and fluidity that human body flight requires.
Throughout the season – and though this video – my skills refreshed. By the end of the season, 260 jumps, I renewed my AFF Instructor rating and began working as a videographer at Skydive Tecumseh, located at the Napoleon Airport.
This video may not answer the “what does freefall feel like?” question, though it will show you what it can look like. The vast majority of this video is my own footage (recorded from a helmet mounted GoPro,) with a few clips (of me!) that were shared by my jumping partners.
Thank you for an amazing season!