And the freefall cometh..

It is great to be back in the air! Sorry for the lack of posts so far, but I think I really needed the first few jumps this year to just clear out some of those cobwebs that seem to grow all winter long!

The weather has been less than perfect through most of April and May, but I’ve been able to get 17 jumps in so far! With a weak last season, a long winter just behind me, and only getting one or two jumps a day, the first dozen jumps were all four-way or smaller and without my camera. Gladly, the weather blessed us last weekend and I was able to get six jumps, including a few bigger groups, and 8-way that went well and an 11-way that could’ve been better. But thats okay, we’ve got a lot of season left in front of us 🙂

I also picked up the new GoPro Hero HD, so look forward to some really great quality video’s this year! Of course I couldn’t resist putting it right on my helmet, so without further ado, here’s the first video for the year:

Looking forward to a lot more jumps with everyone… so next time you see my cam in freefall, come say hi!

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