Oh, I’m glad I already wrote earlier today- even though that seems so long ago- my quota is filled. Filled or not, my mind has been filled again with content, so much more.
To say this was a good day would be a dramatic understatement. I can feel my hips and sacrum twisting with each step, allowing each leg to swing forward naturally (for as much as the left leg can lift and swing itself forward naturally.) My back and buttocks still hurt- yet in a more relaxed way, as if a thorn has been plucked and now the surrounding tissue begun a new healing process.
After I wrote, I wanted to check a few things off the list. Lunch. I still haven’t shopped and am out of cereal, so no breakfast today- must shop tomorrow to be ready for school on Monday. Then, I thought about mowing, yet I still needed to get a new muffler and gas for the mower. Then my vape died. Okay, enough of a list. I headed out, grabbed the gas can ran a bunch of errands. The driving barely bothered me at all.
I pulled back into the drive, then realized I hadn’t gotten gas- back out and down to the Citgo station. Came inside, smoked a bowl and went to mow. Did the whole front yard and both side yards, and beat my last time by over five minutes. I still need to work on the backyard.
Inside for another bowl… then, hmm, who remembers? What was probably the very first item I put on the list when I first got back to Michigan, that I still have managed to not do? Any guesses?
I cleaned out the car. Well, the passenger compartment at least, the trunk is still full. Now, granted I do have a pile of stuff now in the corner of the living room, yet that won’t last long (ha, famous last words…) Relaxed again, smoked another bowl and realized I was starting to run short of daylight for my class assignment.
For Humanities, I’ve decided to write about the Hispanic Culture Festival that happened downtown today. I wanted to get at least a few nice photos, so I needed a bit of daylight- and I was getting hungry again.
Very nice to see, and the music was great, the food was amazing (served by another Jackson College student, a schoolmate of mine if not a classmate whom was also a prior schoolmate of my youngest son in high school.) Most surprisingly, on my way in I ran into my grandparents and cousin Amanda, I haven’t seen any of them in person in likely five years or more.
Apart from being a very full day, it has inspired me for great hope of what tomorrow will bring. While walking downtown I could feel my left leg taking longer strides, though my left foot still wanted to tend to turn inwards, but not always. Tomorrow, I anticipate a very good timed mile, maybe sub 18 minutes?
And homework, two papers at least, maybe three… yet hopefully it will be quick enough to spit them out in the morning, then shopping, then…?
Time to rest.